Thursday, November 10, 2011
Check out the NEW website
Find everything here.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Research shows...
I say this all the time. It's about the relationship, NOT about having a perfect answer or a single smooth explanation to where babies come from. !
I know this from having read it from different sources many, many different times over the years, but my brain doesn't tend to hold on to details like "sources." (sigh) I say "research has found" without any way to, um, prove that research has found. However, as part of my goal of making a little Beyond Birds and Bees booklet, I'm getting my ducks in a row.
Here's a link that lists a ton of research that does indeed show that relationship and positive ongoing communication is the most important part. Click here.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Beyond Birds and Bees Workshop 2011
Beyond Birds & Bees Parent Workshop
~Everything a parent needs to teach healthy sexuality to their kids~
February 8 & 15, 2011
It’s never too early to think about talking with your kids about sex—because the earlier you start, the easier—and more effective—the conversations will be.
This workshop will cover:
- Age-appropriate 'Sex Ed.'
- Normal Sexual Behaviors, from birth to pre-adolescence
- Red Flag Behaviors: when to worry and what to do
- What's an "askable parent", and how to be one
- Typical questions kids ask, and how to answer them!
This is a fun, relaxed workshop filled with great information. Not only does the workshop include presentation and discussion--but you'll be amazed how much you'll learn and discover from the practice conversations and activities. Additionally, there is plenty of time built in for Q & A. Katie is a licensed therapist specializing in children & families, so bring your questions!
This class will meet on 2 consecutive Tuesdays: February 8 & 15, 2011, from 7-8:30pm.
To register:
Click here for online registration, or you can mail a check if you prefer. Class size is limited, so register early.
Cost: $65 per person if you register prior to January 30th. ($70 after)
Feel free to email or call with any questions. Email: beyondbirdsandbees AT gmail DOT com Phone: 940-4477
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Recommended Books about Puberty

Changing You: A Guide to Body Changes and Sexuality
It's So Amazing by Robie Harris & Michael Emberley is my favorite book for puberty information, particularly if the child already knows some information and is now ready for more depth. The authors do a great job of covering a wide variety of topics, and do so with respect, pragmatism, and openness.
And for parents, I recommend From Diapers to Dating. It's a reference source and guide for all sorts of information about children and sexuality and development. The author is a minister, interestingly, and does address how to share your family values about sexuality with your kids as well.
There are many other good books, but these are my favorites. Happy Reading!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Video--How to Talk to your Young Child about Sex
Here's a preview:
Update: This post was originally posted in September '08, but I've had several requests for this video, so I'm moving this post up to the top--for easier locating... Check it out here!