Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beyond Birds and Bees Workshops

Beyond Birds & Bees--for Fathers Only!

~Everything a DAD! needs to teach healthy sexuality to his kids~

(YES! This, finally, is the fathers-only BBB workshop!)

It’s never too early to think about talking with your kids about sex—because the earlier you start, the easier—and more effective—the conversations will be.

This workshop will cover:

  • Age-appropriate 'Sex Ed.'
  • Normal Sexual Behaviors, from birth to pre-adolescence
  • Red Flag Behaviors: when to worry and what to do
  • What's an "askable parent", and how to be one
  • Typical questions kids ask, and how to answer them!

This is a fun, relaxed workshop filled with great information. Not only does the workshop include presentation and discussion--but you'll be amazed how much you'll learn and discover from the practice conversations and activities. Additionally, there is plenty of time built in for Q & A. Katie is a licensed therapist specializing in children & families, so bring your questions!

This class meets on 2 consecutive Mondays: December 1 & 8, from 7:30-9pm.

To register:
Click here for online registration, or you can mail a check if you prefer.

Cost: $65 per person.

Feel free to email or call with any questions. Email: beyondbirdsandbees AT gmail DOT com Phone: 940-4477

Update: a dad who took the BBB workshop in the past recently sent me this very nice recommendation for anyone considering the workshop...
"I'll be honest. There are about 10,000 things I'd rather do than read parenting books. I've done it, but only when I feel compelled. I care deeply about my role as a father, but just the thought of self-help makes me think of 12-step programs and situational narcolepsy. That's probably immature, but that's how I react. Anyway, this class offers a completely different experience. Other parents are there in a relaxed atmosphere sharing experiences, and Katie, an expert in child development, structures the discussion, ensuring that we cover all the essential topics. Even better, you practice responding to those questions or situations that come from left field and cause lots of uhh-ms, or the lame "that's a good question for your mother." It has already helped me respond wisely to my kids when they ask questions or do the things curious kids naturally do, so I definitely recommend it."


Anonymous said...

Do grandparents ever attend your workshops? Many grandparents are caregivers and ought to be "up to date" on this topic. And while many parents anticipate that talking with their children about sex is going to be hard, it's probably harder for folks a generation back. On the other hand, having grandparents in the workshop might change the tenor of the conversations. What do you think of this?

Katie Malinski, LCSW said...

Yes, I have definitely had grandparents in this workshop, and I hope I'll have more! One grandfather told me that it was the first time in his life that anyone had ever directly "taught" him about sex--he said that he'd always had to scrounge up information where he could when he was young--and that he wished he'd had the BBB workshop 40 years earlier. Another workshop had a grandmother and her adult daughter sitting side-by-side!